Friday, March 21, 2008

#33 Weight Loss

As part of my weight loss goal, I thought keeping weekly track on my progress here on the ol' blog would be helpful to keep me accountable and help me remember what's working and what isn't.

This Friday was my third weigh-in since I really started focusing on getting fitter, and I'm down two pounds. Last week, I maintained--I lost 1.5 pounds the first week. I'm no too disappointed by this week's showing; in fact, I thought I might've gained. Last weekend K and I were traveling to the Houston area for a wedding, so I knew my food intake wasn't likely to be very healthy. This week, K has had the flu, so we haven't worked out together. But, I did the core master on my own on Tuesday & Thursday, so I felt proud of myself for that.

Last week (when I maintained) was the week of Starbucks. I had a delicious tall non-fat no-water chai latte on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday again. I don't need to be drinking all my calories! This week, I was trying to cut way back on that, and today (Friday) was my first Starbucks treat. I need to continue to keep an eye on that.

I also need to watch my chip intake. If I get a sandwich at lunch during work, my typical choice is a bag of cheddar harvest grain (or whatever they're called) and I have such a weakness for any chip K is snacking on. But now that I'm aware of it, I've been on about a two week break from chips and feel better for it.

Until next Friday, my goals are to work out at least 4 out of the 7 days. I will keep away from chips and try to avoid Starbucks completely. I hope to lose at least a pound this week.

1 comment:

Juicy said...

Congrats on the weight loss. :) Any poundage lost is a cause for celebration, if you ask me!