Friday, May 8, 2009

#31: Reading

Wow, I've already read 13 books I haven't mentioned!

I've been keeping my list up to date on Goodreads, but for the sake of posterity, here's the list and a very very brief review of each:

1. Called Out of Darkness: Started sloooow. Ann Rice's interesting perspective as she goes from a strict Catholic to a non-believer then back to the Church.

2. Living Dead in Dallas: I like this Southern Vampire Series enough to check it out from the library when it's available, read it quickly, and check for the next one on my next library trip.

3. Death in a Strange Country: Commissario Guido Brunetti detective series. Some of this series I like more than others, but overall enjoyable.

4. The Last Queen: Book Club Selection. Interesting & well-written, though violent parts were unpleasant to read.

5. Dressed for Death: More Commissario Brunetti. I wonder if people who have been to Venice recognize the locales described?

6. The Ladies of Grace Adieu: Collection of fairy tales. Liked some more than others, but none enough to read again.

7. Outlander: The first book of the series has me hooked. Stayed up WAY past my bedtime reading this one.

8. The Grift: Book Club Selection. Liked, would read other books by this author.

9. Club Dead: Another Sookie Stackhouse book. Pretty good.

10. Up in Honey's Room: Elmore Leonard is one of my favorite authors. That man can really turn a phrase. This isn't my favorite book of his, but it was pretty good all the same.

11. Death and Judgment: Commissario Brunetti. Half of a 2 books for $1 score at Half Price Books.

12. Acqua Alta: Commissario Brunetti. Second half of aforementiond HPB score.

13. One Thousand White Women: Book Club Selection. Enjoyed, did not love.

And now I'm about 50 pages into Dragonfly In Amber. I'm going to try not to stay up into the wee hours reading it this weekend!


ashley said...

i'm always impressed by how many books you read!

Juicy said...

you are quite the reader!! I am also impressed, I don't seem to have the attention span anymore (not to mention the time!).