Monday, September 22, 2008
#31: Reading and #9: Dinner
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thoughts for Thursday
Imagine my surprise when I opened my email box to see an email from match with the subject line "New! First matches selected for *****" (her user id for match is not her real name, or, thankfully, mine). Naturally, I had to open the email.
Evidentally, she is looking for someone 33 - 40, and is probably 27 - 33 herself. She lives in California. I don't know exactly how match works, but each photo of a dude in the email has their age, their height/weight, their relationship status ("has been in committed relationships, but never married" is popular among these fellas), their religion (most have selected "Christian/Other" or "Spiritual, but not Religious"), and how they feel about having kids ("Someday, he will want kids" is a popular choice). One dude is 37 and looking for women who are ages 20 - 40. Twenty?? Good luck with that, buddy. Especially when you try to buy her a drink at dinner and she gets carded.
I tried to respond to the email to let match (and possibly Valerie Jones) know that there are 15 fellas out there who might be a match for her, but instead their info has gone to happily married me. It's one of those generic email addresses that just bounces back. I guess she's supposed to use the email as a reminder to log in to her account?
And it seems like she might still be looking for Mr. Right. I got another email today from match with the subject line "Your new matches!" I'm afraid to click on any part of the email. I do not want anything to do with match or the future Mr. Valerie Jones.
I wish I could email Valerie Jones and suggest she pick SeekinBaySista (he's tall, and has a nice smile) and drop Den01067 (whose photo shows him half in shadow, on his cell phone--creepy!), but all I can do is hope she realizes she isn't getting any match emails and fixes the situation on her own. Talk about lookin' for love in all the wrong places. I'm not THAT Valerie Jones, fellas!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Other
Before I married, I opened a gmail account using my first and maiden name--like valerie.jones @ gmail. One of the easiest name changes I did after getting married was opening a new gmail account using my first name and new last name. I kept the old email address open, and use it when I'm signing up for mailing lists (Ann Taylor, amazon, etc.) and contest entries, etc. Here and there, I have received email intended for valeriejones @ gmail (no dot between the first and last name) and it generally gives me a chuckle. I always respond to the sender to let them know that their email has been misdirected, and explain that sometimes that happens--the email system sometimes gets confused and thinks the address without the dot is mine. I've tried to get it fixed, but no dice. Occasionally, it leads to a chuckle, and I thought it would be fun to post some of the examples or stories on the blog to keep things moving while I'm still trudging away at my list.
One of my personal favorites was the baby name email chain. It went a little something like this:
Micah: Hey!! Incase you haven't heard yet, IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As far as names... we got nothin. I am a big fan of Olivia, but Andrew doesn't like it so much. He really likes Kally, which I really like, too except it's just weird because of kally m*****r, which really shouldn't matter seeing htat I haven't even seen the girl in 5 years.
Shannon: First off, CONGRATULATIONS!! Olivia is a super cute name, but I will tell you that it's already on the top 10 list for more popular baby names in recent years. Which may or may not make any difference to you guys. Whatabout...Esmerelda? or Sascatchawan? Oh don't worry, we'll think of some good ones. (She includes a list.)
Kathleen: So I may have made up Valerie's email (meaning me) but everyone elses was their name @ if Valerie doesn't get this maybe someone can intervene...Secondly! CONGRATS MICAH! Finally. I like Olivia too, but I really need first/middle names. Because Olivia is good, but if Mowgli is the middle name I have to recant my vote. If IIIIII had a daughter...Alyssa something. Oh I do like Kally C******. I just freakin love alliteration. Oh and I like Hannah and Hailey. Sorry I like names that are cool in 2007 Shannon. My bad.
Jennifer: As for actual names, I am a huge fan of Olivia, but other than that, you all know I'm not good at this stuff. I always wanted to name my kids after characters in books. Is that weird to doom your children to nerd-dom before they're even a reality? How about Jane? Is that a weird name? It just came to me this very second, for no particular reason.
Micah: Ok, I have 2 funny stories to tell you:
1. Last night Andrew and I picked the name! For sure, both loved it, we were going with it. I was proud of myself because it was such a great compromise, combining his love for Kally with my love for Olivia---Kally Olivia C******. Alas, thirty minutes after our celebration, andrew ruins it with "wait, doesn't that spell KOC?" I'm not sure thos eare the greatest initials.. So, we are back to square one. (#2 was talking about a mutual friend of theirs, apparently, who wants to name their unborn daughter "Dolcinea.")
At this point, I checked that email address (it had been a couple of days) and decided I needed to step in. My email to the group:
"Kathleen, I don't know that you made up the email address for your friend Valerie Jones, but whatever email address you sent to was misdirected to me. It happens from time to time--I think Ms. Jones and I must have very similar email addresses.
For what it's worth, I love the name Amelia. Doesn't go with Olivia very well, but I think it's adorable. How cute would Amelia Jane sound?
Best to all,The OTHER Valerie Jones"
So naturally, I thought that would be the end of my inclusion on the email chain. I was so wrong.
Kathleen: Valerie, Shocking to the both of us, I intended to send that message to you. Sorry it interfered with your normal life pattern. I like Amelia Jane too. I like Amelia, Jane is kinda boring but its better than the mental names Jenn is sending out there. I know no other Valerie Joneses just to clear that up.
Yikes! I responded again:
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid there's been some misunderstanding. I'm actually not the person you know--I don't recognize your name or any of the names of your friends, and I live in Texas. My email address is valerie.jones, so I think a lot of times I get email directed to valeriejones or possibly other variations of that address. I was just trying to be cheeky by signing "the OTHER Valerie Jones" and suggesting a baby name. I'm apologize for not being clearer in my message. Best, Valerie."
Micah: I don't get the whole Valerie Jones thing.........................................
(hours pass)
Micah: Wait... I'm sorry, I think I just caught on-- This isn't my friend Valerie Jones, is it??? hahaha! Sorry to bother you! ....and if this is my friend Valerie, you have left me very confused! By the way, I think Amelia Jane is very cute, I'll run it past my husband :)
My final response was "Correct, this is not your friend Valerie. I am a Valerie Jones who lives in Texas and does not know any of you ladies. But I wish you all the best!"
I haven't heard from them since. But how crazy would it be if Micah has a baby named Amelia Jane right now??
Hang On, Sloopy!!
Me: Hang on, sloopy!
K: No, that's not what they're saying.
M: What?
K: They're saying "hang on SNOOPY."
M: I'm pretty sure they're saying "sloopy."
K: That's ridiculous. Why would that be in a song? That's not even a word.
M: I don't know! It is what it is!
K: Of course, it's "Snoopy." You know, famous cartoon dog?
M: Well, it sounds like SLOOPY. Hang on, sloopy!
K: Famous cartoon dog! SNOOPY!
Of course, I had to immediately turn to the internet. When I googled "Hang on Snoopy" I was directed to a website for famous examples of mondegreens--when a statement or song lyric is misheard. My next move was googling the lyric I thought was correct, and I was rewarded with Hang on Sloopy, which I've now learned more about than I ever thought possible. Including that the song is the official song for the Cleveland Indians.
So I've been taunting K and calling him "Sloopy" for almost a week. haha!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
#4: August Nephew Time

#9: Weeknight Dinner
Last week, K requested another quiche, and suggested I include TurkeyRoni in addition to the smoked turkey. So I did about six ounces of turkey and maybe three ounces of T-Roni (as it's called in our house). I also left the onions uncooked, since I was in a hurry, and it turned out great.
I think my next quiche adventure will have to include making two and freezing one to see how well it works in the freezer.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
OMG. Cupcake Heaven!
#31: Reading
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Six is Enough
Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you: Joyco
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking to them. (Tag, you're it! If you haven't played already, now's your chance.)
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know that they have been tagged
Six Quirks about me:
1. Six is my lucky number. I don't know why, specifically, it just always has felt lucky for me. However, the fact that my anniversary is on November 6 is actually a coincidence--it wasn't our first choice of dates, just the date our reception location happened to have available. Turns out it was a perfect day to get married!
2. My knees are double-jointed. Well, I don't know if that's the exact term for what they do, but I can straighten my legs out so that they are bowed backwards. I should take a picture some time; it's hard to explain. My brother can do the same thing. We get it from my mom. I wonder if his boys have the knee gene?
3. My maiden name and married name have the same number of letters, and end with the same letter.
4. I've never tried eggplant. It creeps me out for some reason! I have a feeling it would be spongey, like flan, and that would make me gag. Flan makes me think of eyeballs.
5. Nearly every work day at 3pm, I walk over to the cafeteria in the building next to mine and get an iced tea. Sometimes, I am bad and get one of those little glass bottles of starbucks mocha frappuchino, instead. Yet, on the weekends, I'm almost never thirsty for tea at 3pm. Maybe because I sleep later?
6. I don't like different kinds of food to touch on my plate. If foods are intended to mix (like peanut butter and jelly, for example), that doesn't bother me. But I don't like my corn juice leaking into my mashed potatoes (for example). I love divided plates for this reason, and I always bring my own to my family's holiday gatherings. My brother is the exact opposite--for example, at Thanksgiving, he piles his plate with everything he wants to eat (all smushed next to each other), and covers the whole plate with cranberry sauce (the kind from a can) and gravy. Naturally, his seat at the table is across from mine. Ugh! My non-touching food preference extends to items of different flavor, like candy. I eat one flavor at a time; I would never just throw a random assortment of Jelly Bellys into my mouth. Yet, that's my husband's favorite way to eat candy. Bleah!
Your turn!