Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm Grinchy

I have been having a hard time feeling the Christmas spirit this week. This is the second week in a row that I haven't cooked dinner at home, the second week in a row that I've been too busy to even get home before 8pm. K has been working on a huge project for the last 6 or 7 weeks in the evenings and most weekends that's been stressing him (and therefore me) out, and I have been dreading our holiday travel to SE TX. I feel like I'm on the verge of an all-out Grinch Fest, and every little thing lately is setting me on edge.

So, what better time than to give to others? Finding a favorite charity is easy for me: Memaw's House. After my Memaw died in 2004, her house sat empty. Mom's two sisters and one brother all live near the house, but none could decide on a good plan of action. Their family had lived in that house since my mom was in high school, so the idea of selling it was difficult. Aunt B heard about a program a church in the area had started that operated homes for women who had just been released from jail--a place for them to live while they looked for jobs and got back on their feet, while also giving them a safe environment from their pre-inprisonment lifestyles. So Aunt B consulted with the rest of the family, and all were in agreement that they should explore the idea of turning Memaw's home into one of these houses. This idea was a huge step for Aunt B. She's always been a generous, loving person who attends church faithfully, but I've always known her to be racist. I know she grew up in a different time and place than I did, and that rural Alabama isn't exactly progressive on that front, but that doesn't excuse her use of derogatory terms. Because of this, I felt proud that she'd be leading a project that helped (mainly) minority women. I know she struggled with the idea because of that, and I am glad she made the decision to go ahead with the project. They began work on the house in 2005, working to make it liveable to as many ladies as possible. That meant clearing out furniture from bedrooms and adding bunk beds or twin beds where possible. There were repairs that needed to be done to old plumbing, etc., and several kind members of the family donated their time to the project. My uncle and one of my cousin's husbands shouldered a lot of the responsibility, and I'm so grateful for their time and energy. A housemother needed to be hired to act as a live-in contact for the ladies, and Aunt B found a wonderful woman who has been incredibly helpful. Finally, in 2007, the home had its grand opening celebration. Ten woman now live can now live in the home, and it is always full to capacity. Even though there have been some disappointments along the way, the successes of the ladies who live there and have been able to already move on are truly inspirational. My mom and her siblings provided the original funding for the home, and I know they still all make significant contributions. So each year at Christmas, it is my pleasure to send whatever I can to help support the home. I'm sending this year's check this weekend, and thinking about Memaw's House has really lifted my spirit.

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