Monday, October 6, 2008

#42 Finally Get Wedding Dress Cleaned


Since our wedding--November, 2004--my wedding dress and veil have been hanging, dirty, in the guest room closet. Sure, I kept them in the bag from the store where I bought the dress. And I loaned out my veil almost twice (once in 2007, then I took it to MN for a second friend to borrow, but she ended up deciding to go without). With a (hopeful) move and our fourth anniversary looming, I knew it was finally time to get moving on this task.

In June, I placed my order with wedclean. They sent a box and instructions for packing up my dress. Naturally, this box lingered in the guest room for a few more months. But at the end of September, I followed the easy instructions, packed up my dress (strips of packing tape included!), and only worried a tiny bit that I'd never see it again. But, I received an email when my dress & veil arrived at wedclean. About a week and a half later, I received another email that my dress & veil were clean and on the way back to me. After one slightly creepy trip to the after hours UPS pick-up (wedclean requires a signature for receipt), and I have my dress and veil back home and clean.

. . .And back in the guest room closet.

1 comment:

Catkins said...

Dude, I've been trying to come up with something to do with my wedding dress for almost 4 years. Claire was baptized in the same gown that I was and my mom was. So that's out. I don't mind cutting it up to make something new, but what?! She has eleventy billion blankets and isn't too impressed with any of them. I don't know. Good thing I didn't spend TOO much money on it!