I've been tagged by
Mrs.Froggianna to reveal 6 random things about myself. Should be pretty easy, since there are a lot of random things about me:
1. I wear the same
necklace almost every day. When I first saw this necklace online, I couldn't decide whether I wanted it or another more colorful one. I probably looked at the website weekly while I thought about it, but by the time I was ready to order, the shop had been shut down. I was going through a hard time then, so when I added myself to the mailing list, I told the jewelry maker that I needed some magic in my life, so please let me know if she started her shop up again. A couple of months later, just as I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, she emailed me to let me know she was taking orders. I didn't hesitate, and ordered my very own Superhero Necklace. Some days, I like to make up my own little pep talk using the idea from the text on the little card that came with the necklace. The card says: "This is your very own
superhero necklace. It will protect you from harm, attract people to you, and create magic in your life." I like to think to myself as I put it on "I am protected from harm, people are attracted to me, and I have magic in my life." It's my way of encouraging myself to believe in myself on days when I don't feel very super.
2. I prefer to eat small candy in pairs. If the candies come in colors, I prefer to eat them paired by color. I will then chew the candy pairs either one on each side of my mouth or both on one side and then alternate sides. I like to pair up the candies before beginning to eat them, and eat the single (if there is one) first.
3. I am currently driving the third car I've owned. The first two were totalled in collisions that were not my fault. The first--a red
Mazda 323 "sedan" I drove from my senior year in high school until a year after college--got t-boned at the top of a hill near my mom's house. The other driver was speeding, and I was slowly pulling out to turn left. If I'd been going just a few miles per hour faster, I would have been killed. My second car--a sporty green
Honda Civic Coupe--was smashed at a stoplight two days before my brother's wedding. I was driving to his house in Kyle to follow him out to the airport to pick up a bunch of his OOT friends. I stopped at a stoplight, took a swig of soda, and happened to look up at my rear-view mirror in time to see a huge truck speeding up behind me. If my car hadn't had a working airbag, I would've been killed. The back of my car was so smashed that my trunk and back seat seemed to cease to exist. I drove that car for just under 5 years. I've been driving my
current vehicle for almost six years, and I feel a little bit like I'm on borrowed time. One of the items on my list is to buy a new car (my first brand new car!) later this year.
4. I excel at games involving trivia or guessing & shouting, crossword puzzles, and telling you what you should name your pet.
5. Every year on my birthday, my mom tells me the story of the day I was born. One of my favorite parts of the story is this: mom had been at the hospital and in labor for several hours. Her regular doctor was not there, so she was stuck with the on-call guy. It was the Saturday of one of the biggest football games of the season, and the on-call guy made my mom wait to push until halftime. I was born in Huntsville, Alabama, and I can never remember if it was the Alabama vs. Auburn game, or the Alabama vs. Tennessee game. . .which would be like UT vs. A&M or UT vs. OU. At any rate, I know the Crimson Tide was victorious that afternoon, so a good time was had by all.
6. I am very interested in ghosts, ghost stories, and shows/books about ghosts and hauntings. I believe I saw the ghost of my grandfather when I was a child, but I am very scared to have a ghostly experience as an adult.
I haven't kept track of who has been tagged and who hasn't, so I'll just tag anyone who made it through all six of my items and wants to tell six random things about themself!