I didn't like this book as much as Twilight, but it was still enjoyable to get lost in Bella's world for several hundred pages. I got a little annoyed with Bella in this book when she seemed to be thinking about forcing herself to have romantic feelings for someone, especially since it's been established that she knows a) that character has very strong romantic feelings for her and b) her "soulmate" is someone else. I do think her actions were very typical of a teenager, though, so in that sense the story is true to character.
I was also hoping for more backstory on the. . .(trying not to be too spoiler-y) characters who were taking more of a lead role in this book. Jacob's group, in particular. I'm told that there is more information revealed in the next book, though, so I suppose I can wait to read it there.
I did like how this book seemed to have more action than the last one. Twilight spent a lot of time developing the relationship with Bella and Edward (which I enjoyed--I liked the unraveling of the "mystery"), with the main action towards the end of the book. New Moon has a lot of action throughout, which I thought was a nice addition to the already fast & exciting pace of the overall story. I'm a little bit surprised the author has been able to draw the story out into four books, since this book made it seem like a big step in Bella & Edward's relationship is getting close. I'm guessing things don't go down like I might be imaging they will, though. I'm looking forward to starting Eclipse, and I'm guessing I'll get to the newest book (out soon!) fairly quickly after that.
Incidentally, slightly off-topic: I saw a trailer for the Twilight movie when K & I went to see Dark Knight. I found the movie versions of the characters much more believable than the magazine pictures I'd seen, but now I'm concerned about the acting ability of the gal playing Bella. Perhaps the trailer just showcased scenes where she happened to not display a lot of emotion, and she'll prove me wrong when the movie comes out.
Eclipse is my favorite book of the three. I just started Breaking Down yesterday. Oh, and I hated the EW cover as well, yuck!
It's that good, huh? I've heard really good things about the series, but haven't read them. Maybe I could borrow Twilight and see if I like it?
: )
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