Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I'm behind!

When I think of one thing I need to write about, I always think of at least one more.

Soon, I'll be updating about:

--Local nephew's birthday party (end of May) at Cabela's

--Out of town nephews, who we visited with during a recent long weekend in K's home town

--The book I finished recently, and maybe the other book I've started but am not enjoying (I don't even remember the title of the new book!)

--How an error on my part made me feel like a total jackass, and how it's still weighing heavily on my mind. . .even though parties involved assure me it's not a big deal.

--whether I actually cook dinner this week during the week. Or maybe I'll just report on the delicious dinner I made on Sunday night. . .which we ate for leftovers on Monday, and might be finishing tonight. (Unless husband ate it all for lunch, sneaky!)

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